For over six years, the goal of has been to provide professional web services for Mary Kay® Directors and their consultants.  We create web sites and online newsletters that are aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate, and extremely functional; all with the intent of keeping your consultants motivated and informed.  Perhaps the best feature is your access to an incredible library of resources in the Training Center. To see the Training Center which is featured with all web site, please visit one of the sample web sites.

Our full service, one-stop concept differs from some others -- we cater to those who just want to forget about the day to day maintenance while there site is "magically" updated.  At, your site will be uniquely yours and we will not do any advertising, of any kind, on your pages.

What Will Do for Me?
Ok, that's what it is -- so what will it do for you?  You don't have to look beyond the advantages of using the web to increase communication and productivity.

Save time and money!
With a web site, consultants will be able to view online or print  newsletters, calendars, promotional and event flyers, at any time.  This reduces your printing and mailing efforts and expenses, obviously saving you money and time.  In addition, if you have a new consultant packet that you supply to all new team members, this can be placed on your site where they can easily access it.

Keep your Consultants Informed, Motivated, and Trained!
You'll be able to keep consultants armed with current information and pumped up.  The wealth of information contained in our Training Center will assist in keeping your consultants trained and motivated.

Professionally Designed Web Sites and Newsletters at an Affordable Price

Are you spending time doing your newsletter or web site?  How many hours a month do you currently spend?  What do you feel your hourly worth is?  It doesn't take a genius to figure out how much it is costing you.  So why not give it up and use the time to better your sales?

We believe that after reviewing our options and pricing, you'll find bargain prices but not bargain design and support!

Although was designed solely to meet the needs of Independent Sales Directors and their consultant team members, it is not sanctioned or affiliated in any way with Mary Kay ®  Inc.  It is not intended to replace the Mary Kay®  company web site or any  functions therein.  Instead, was designed to provide a valuable service -- communication within the unit -- and not with the public at large. web sites are designed in accordance with established Mary Kay ®  Web Site Guidelines.  For more information, read the MyUnitSite disclaimer.

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