A great deal of consultant education is done via Conference Calls.
These can be listened to in the privacy of your own home, without
getting a babysitter, paying for gas for your car, or dressing up.
You don't even need to have your makeup on to listen!!!!
When in on one of these conference calls, please use the 6 key to
mute your phone for household, pet and children's noises. Many
consultants have unlimited Long Distance or are using their FREE
evening and weekend minutes on the cell phone. Several consultants
have shared methods they've found effective to remind themselves to
pick up the phone.
- If coming home from something, put
conference call number note on the steering wheel
- If at home, put a reminder note on
something that you would likely be doing at 9 pm (toothbrush, remote
control, mirror, pillow, etc)
- Enlist your family support to remind
you (pay your kid a quarter if they tell you at the right time!)
- Set the stove timer
- Set your cell phone timer
(Congratulations to all who can figure out how to do this!)
- Put the Cell phone on the way to
your child's bedroom (maybe on the steps, or their pillow)
- Put together a calling list -
Several consultants take turns doing a quick call around right
before the call